who we are
At Christ Lutheran Church -- we live in Christ and share God's love with all people. We are a group of flawed, loved, and 'saved by grace' humans that are trying to do our part by sharing God's love in our community and world.
Land acknowledgement
Christ Lutheran Church gratefully acknowledges that we gather on the ancestral homelands of the Lummi Nation of the Coast Salish language group who have stewarded this land since time immemorial. The Lummi People call themselves Lhaq’temish, or People of the Sea. They are among the first known inhabitants of Washington’s northernmost coast, inland to the mountains and north into southern British Columbia. The Lummi subsisted in villages near the sea and forests, migrating according to the seasons and wintering in multi-family cedar-plank longhouses. Their livelihood and culture revolve around salmon, a resource they have depended on for thousands of years. In the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott, the Lummi relinquished much of their traditional lands to the United States government; in return, they were allocated reserved land, the rights to fish their “usual and accustomed” places, and provisions for education and healthcare. Maintaining their rights to such provisions has been a continual struggle for the Lummi. Their strong and long-held ethic of respect for and preservation of land, waterways, and wildlife endures. As we seek to understand our place in the history of this land and its people, we commit to truth-telling, lest we forget on whose land we gather and worship; we commit to the ongoing care of this sacred land; and with honor and respect for our Indigenous contemporaries, their ancestors, and their descendants, we commit to the ongoing work of healing and strengthening relationships with our Lummi neighbors. We ask God to help and guide us. Please note: The content of this land acknowledgement is not the definitive word about the Lummi People. We cannot claim expertise on their deep history and culture; we can, however, continue to educate ourselves and strive to act in appropriate ways toward a better tomorrow. To learn more about our indigenous neighbors, click here.

What is a lutheran?
We believe that all people are imperfect and are saved (made right with God) by God’s grace and God’s grace alone, through Christ. There is no special prayer you need to pray, no special state of mind you need to achieve and no good deed you need to perform. We believe that through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God became one of us and took upon himself the sin and suffering of all the world. God did this to demonstrate God’s love for us. We believe that we receive the gift of grace by faith alone on account of Christ. We live in the tension of still being sinful but trusting that we are forgiven and that God is at work in us. The gift of grace expresses God’s unconditional love, and in response to that love we are set free to live gratefully and lovingly. An important date in the Lutheran tradition is Oct. 31, 1517, when a German monk named Martin Luther started a movement known as the Reformation. He insisted the Bible showed that salvation could not be earned or bought, which was contrary to church teachings at the time. Luther believed salvation was a gift and a sign of God’s never-ending love. The most influential documents for our church were written by him and other Lutheran reformers. These are compiled in the Book of Concord. Key writings there include the Augsburg Confession and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. We don’t believe that you are born or are baptized Lutheran, but if you participate in the Lutheran tradition, you identify as a Lutheran Christian.
what we believe
"We live in Christ and share God's love with all people." That’s our mission at Christ Lutheran Church. We are a community in which children, youth, and people of all ages are valued. We are a gathering of Jesus’ followers who gain insight from one another about how the Bible informs our lives. And we are a community in which faith is lived out beyond the walls of the church. We learn at CLC to heed Jesus’ call to feed the hungry, to care for our neighbor, and to share his love with all people. This is a community in which you will experience the love of God in Jesus Christ, where you will grow in faith and love toward God and toward all whom God has put in your life. We invite you to come find God here and to experience many opportunities to serve the Ferndale community and beyond. You don’t need all the “answers” to faith to worship here. We are all growing and discovering more about God together, and we welcome people wherever they are on their spiritual journey.
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church history
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